Creatine: What’s the Deal?
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:04:33-04:00December 9th, 2013|
Hey guys, i've got some exciting stuff today. I reached out to one of my idols in the Fitness industry Tony Gentilcore a few weeks ago to write a guest post. I anxiously waited around [...]
7 Tips to Get Un-sick
By Eric Bach|2017-07-02T14:12:34-04:00November 26th, 2013|
Cough, Cough. Â Sniffle, Sniffle. You glance around to find the source of the wretched sound: There sits the red-nosed snot goblin --20 feet away, blasting away on curls between sets of sneezes. A snot-filled secretion [...]
Lights, Camera…Water Manipulation
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:04:34-04:00November 21st, 2013|
OMG- I just completed an awesome workout session of hang cleans, bench presses, snatch grip deadlifts. Apparently, that combo of compound exercises kicks your ass. After mustering the energy to waddle to my laptop I [...]
The Deload: The Path to Bigger, Faster, and Stronger
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:04:35-04:00November 19th, 2013|
This morning, I messed up and forgot to feed my dog. So, being the nice guy I ran home to feed Rocky Balboa between clients. I flipped open my laptop  for a quick email to find [...]
Muscle Building Chili
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:04:35-04:00October 29th, 2013|
It’s Tuesday afternoon, 12:30 pm. You’re staring at the at the greasy sandwich and healthy baked chips from the cafeteria, while half-heartedly clicking through emails to get your inbox to zero. Cheese oozes through your [...]