Stop Finding Excuses, Start Getting Results

April 13, 2015

About the Author: Eric Bach


When you stop finding excuses for why you can’t exercise or eat healthy you’ll start seeing results.

Why can’t we stop finding excuses to take care of our health?

Excuses are like that childhood stuffed animal that’s still stuffed in the corner of your closet.

They’re soft, warm, and give you feelings of security.

Problem is, excuses run rampant. One leads to another. Excuses snowball into behavioral change (or lack thereof) that keeps you from becoming your best self. 

  • “I’m too busy to train.”
  • “I run, so I don’t need to train legs.”
  • “I don’t want to look like one of those bodybuilders. I want to look lean and athletic.”
  • “I’m traveling too much to get my workouts in.”
  • “I can’t eat that much.”
  • “I’ll do it later.”

When you stop finding excuses, you’ll find results.

We all have a limited time on this earth. It may end in 48 hours or 48 years, yet we still make excuses to not own the day.

When there is a will, there is a way.

Every day presents an opportunity to get better.

It’s up to you to take the chance and make things happen. 

Take my online client Brad. Brad’s in his early 30’s. He played sports in high school, still plays softball a few times per week, and wants to look his best.

He drinks beer on weekends and works his ass off during the week.

Brad’s an accountant, so at tax time he’s working 12-16 hour days 5-6 days per week for months at a time.

But here’s the thing.

Brad stopped finding excuses. And now he’s smashing his workouts without fail and making incredible progress.

Brad has never complained to me with…

  • “ I don’t have time.”
  • “I’m too tired.”

weight training warm up, stop finding excuses

Brad gets it. Bullshit excuses are just that, bullshit.

You, me, Brad, Richard Branson, and everyone else on the planet have the same 24 hours in the day.

Instead of giving up and making excuses, make changes.

What will you cut out of your day to make time for training?

What can be downsized?

Sometimes it’s tough to plan things—that’s where a coach comes in.

In the case of Brad, we simplified his training:

  • Instead of five training sessions a week, we moved to three
  • Instead of 60-minute sessions we adopted a minimalist plan for 45-minute workouts, with shorter rest periods and a focus on essential, multi-joint movements
  • Brad was short on time after work, so we got up at 5:00 am instead of training after work
  • We hacked his morning by having him drink warm liquids and dress is layers to speed up his warm-up.

He got up, got it done, then owned the day.

Brad didn’t rely on pure willpower. But he stopped making excuses and committed to getting better each day.

When life gets hectic and you don’t know where to turn, that’s when a coach becomes important.

Brad’s just one of hundreds of my coaching clients I’ve had the opportunity to work with.

Like so many other people who have gone through the program, has achieved results beyond what he and they thought possible.

They now have high-performance bodies with the confidence and happiness that comes with self-investment and improvement.

I could not be prouder to have coached them and call them friends.

Here’s what Brad has to say about Bach Performance Coaching:

“Since working with Eric I’ve become my strongest mentally and physically of my life, despite having a crazy schedule. I’ve shredded body fat and set tons of pr’s in the gym while simultaneously fixing past injuries. I’m now nearly pain-free, more athletic, and have a better body than when I was consistently competing in sports! If you’re looking to improve your body, confidence, and athleticism I am 100% positive that Eric will help you reach your goals.”

-Brad J

Just this past week, I’ve revamped my online coaching program to offer more customization and service than anyone in the industry.

You’ll be blown away by the personalized nutrition coaching, specialized online coaching programs, and weekly calls to completely improve the coaching experience for my clients.

Every interaction is easier, more effective, and more beneficial, which is allowing the additional coaches spaces.

I would love for you to be one of them.

With that in mind, I want you to ask yourself…

Are you the kind of person that will needs to Stop Finding Excuses?

If any of these apply to you, then we would be a good fit:

  • You lack motivation and accountability, leaving to skipping training sessions and your diet.
  • You have nagging injuries that just won’t go away, preventing you from training hard.
  • You have information overload. Quite simply, you don’t know where to begin with so much information out there.
  • You can’t find a coach in your area (luckily, training virtually takes that out of the equation…and saves you money)
  • You want a body that looks and performs like an athlete

If any of these apply to you, then you should consider applying for Bach Performance Coaching.

Let me take the confusion out of your training.

Let me take the reins and provide you with world-class coaching. Let me hold you accountable to dismiss excuses and seize the day.

Consider the cost of putting off your health, building the body you want, and building the life you want.

Is it worth putting off, and questioning your direction, training, and health?

Invest in your health and performance by allowing me to use my experience, my knowledge, and my determination to help build your ideal body and ideal life.

You in? I hope so.


[ Apply Here ]


  1. […] You in? Learn about my client Brad and his journey despite working 12-15 hour days here.  […]

  2. […] Stop Making Excuses, Start Getting Results — Eric Bach […]

  3. […] Check out this article! […]

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