Should Women Train Differently than Men?
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:04:36-04:00October 1st, 2013|
Recently, I've been receiving questions on how females should train. Most have the goal of looking leaner, toned, and a more curvy. In this post, I wanted to answer the most frequently asked question, "Should [...]
Busy Man’s Carb Cycling: The Uber Convenient Way to Shred Fat and Build Muscle.
By Eric Bach|2020-05-07T16:09:31-04:00September 3rd, 2013|
Carb cycling is the planned manipluation of carbohydrate intake. On workout days you’ll have more carbs and calories to repair your body and build lean muscle. On non-workout days carbs are kept lower. Because you [...]
Train like an Athlete
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:05:10-04:00August 27th, 2013|
It's 9 pm on Tuesday night. Over the last 2 hours you've been sipping your glass on water, scanning curiously over the latest workouts on various exercise websites. Each workout is markedly different. Athlete, bodybuilder, [...]
Is Calorie Counting Practical?
By Eric Bach|2016-12-26T08:51:34-05:00August 20th, 2013|
Wednesday afternoon, 2:30 P.M. The bag of almonds is beside you as you send a trade request to your friend for fantasy football. You take a handful, then another, and then another. You bypass ESPN on your [...]
Travel Hacker: Make it Guilt Free
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:05:10-04:00August 13th, 2013|
Travel can make getting a good workout and staying on a routine seemingly impossible. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way. You see, most people end up with an "All or Nothing" philosophy. [...]