How To Overcome Fitness Information Overload (7 Simple Tips)

March 21, 2023

About the Author: Eric Bach

The average American consumes the equivalent of 100k words per day.

That’s more words than J.R.R.’s Tolkien’s The Hobbit, according to an April 2022 Report from the University of California San Diego.

And when it comes to fitness, we’re not even considering the massive number of YouTube videos, reels, and tiktoks you see.

While learning is always good, consuming information without context or action leads to overwhelm, chasing shiny objects, and ultimately, self sabotage.

How Are 7 Simple Tips To Overcome Fitness Information Overload

1. Pick 1 Goal at A Time

“If you have one ass, you can’t sit on two horses.” – Charles Poliquin

Don’t try to build muscle & burn fat (recomposition). They’re physiologically opposing goals. While a recomposition can take place when you’re focused on building muscle OR losing fat, chasing recomposition as the primary goal is rarely effective.

Why? Because it happens so slowly that most people don’t measure it, or realise it’s happening. Expectations aren’t met, and they change gears even when things are working.

A better option?

Commit to losing fat first. With enough protein, better recovery, and sound training you’ll lose fat and build some lean muscle.


2. Study One Area At a Time

When learning about a topic, go an inch wide and a mile deep.

Here’s an example from my life. I pick one major topic to study in depth per quarter. This means four big topics per year. When I study this, I go ALL in.

The podcasts and audiobooks I listen to are 90% related to this goal. The same with whatever I’m reading.

This creates a knowledge incubator where I gain a ton more knowledge on one topic and can develop my own opinions.

If you try to study everything, you’ll feel overwhelmed. Because you will be. Apply this to anything you see fit–sales, business, nutrition, relationships. Remove input from other areas.

3. Follow Fewer Experts

Follow 1-2 experts, max on a topic. There are many ways to get results. But they all require following a specific process. This is true in business, relationships, finance, and fitness.

You can get jacked with high reps. You can get jacked with low reps.
You can get ripped with intermittent fasting. You can get ripped with multiple meals spread throughout the day.

You have to commit, I mean burn the boats and go all the fuck in to see if something works for you. You can’t try a diet for 3 weeks and write it off–that’s far too little time.

Don’t piecemeal programs and ideas together until you’ve mastered them independently.

Piece meal programs from different coaches are a disaster.

4. Be Intentional

Don’t be a mindless drone scrolling social media for workout tips. Think about what you’re specifically looking to solve, find it, and implement.

If you’re reactive with your consumption of information (especially on social media) it’ll wrap its tentacles around your brain and pull you into a death spiral.

When searching for information, set time limits. I like to use the timer for research.

This creates urgency and focus. When consuming information, be specific about what you’re looking for, and stop once you’ve found it.


5. Single Task

Multitasking is doing multiple things poorly. Doing multiple things teaches your brain to be unfocused, making the seas of information you’re consuming even more overwhelming.

When you’re focused on research or execution, be fully present. Don’t be on tinder between workout sets. Don’t be playing with your kid while you search for workout tips.

Eliminate distractions and be present as often as possible.

6. Implement Immediately

If you’ve found something interesting that you’re going to use, don’t search for more information.

Focus on implementation.

Collecting knowledge is pointless. Skill and build through implementation.

Wisdom is built through taking action and reflection.

Put action behind it and build what matters–the wisdom on when and how to apply it.

7. Take Time Away From Social Media

Social media is addictive. It teaches you to crave the next dopamine hit of more information.

To break the habit, you must proactively take time away from your phone and set limits.

Try a day without your phone.

Too much? Set a deadline for when you’ll hide your phone for the day–I use 8 PM. Your relationships, focus, and stress levels will probably improve, too.

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