Build Massive Shoulders in 30 Minutes

April 30, 2013

About the Author: Eric Bach

I’ve got some more awesome short workouts for you coming up, as I already published a quick workout to build up your arms here. These workouts are extremely effective when you find yourself in a time crunch.

Building strong and defined shoulders is a trademark of having a good physique. Having a good set of well developed shoulders will be visible in any article of clothing while also making the waist appear smaller. Double Whammy!

Broad shoulders in men will make you stand out in any room while improving posture. In women having broader shoulders will accentuate the hour-glass figure and make the waist appear smaller.

The exercises below will improve shoulder health, definition, size, and power.

Dumbbell 1 arm Push Press: Use the legs to give your typical overhead press some extra power. Accelerate the bar with as much force as you can generate and hold the lockout position on each rep (this will build shoulder stability). Performing the push press with 1-arm will also provide a challenge to your core (specifically obliques) to stabilize the torso with a weight being held overhead.


1.Perform 4 sets of 6-8 reps with 30 seconds of rest between arms

Bent Over Lateral Raise: To perform stand up with the feet shoulder width apart and a slight bend in the knee. Hinge over at the hips, creating a stretch in the hamstrings with your body at a 45 degree angle. With dumbbells in hand and the arms hanging down retract the shoulders and pull the dumbbells apart (reverse fly). Hold each dumbbell at the top of the movement to stop momentum and squeeze the shoulders together.

2a. Perform 2-3 sets of 12 repetitions, super-setting with exercise 2b with 0 rest.


2b. Perform 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions, super-setting with exercise 2a with 0 rest.

Dumbbell Standing Y Press: Hold dumbbells in a neutral grip position and press up and out to form a Y. This exercise greatly challenges the shoulders, upper back, and their respective stabilizers to support the weight overhead.

**video performed using pronated grip rather than neutral grip, either works

Overhead Javelin Press:  With a neutral grip hold a straight bar, or barbell if able in a neutral position as if you were throwing a javelin. Press the bar overhead and transfer the bar to your other hand, perform a press and transfer the bar back to the original hand. The javelin press will really burn the shoulders and stabilizing muscles while simultaneously challenging grip strength.

3. Perform 2 Sets of 6-8 repetitions on each arm, resting 45-60 seconds between sets.

There you have it, a quick workout to build health, ripped, shoulders in less time than it takes you to drive to the gym. Share me!

Copyright 2012 by Eric R Bach.  All rights reserved.  This material may not be duplicated or distributed without written consent from the author.


  1. bezzymates April 30, 2013 at 3:29 pm - Reply

    This workout is on my to do list for sure. Thanks for sharing it. I love the look of broad, defined shoulders.

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