How Dave’s Success Story Can Be Yours

November 12, 2015

About the Author: Eric Bach

Great News!

It’s not every day I get the feeling of accomplishment after working on a long-term project, then unveiling it to you. Well, today I do.

It’s time to pull back the curtain and tell you that I’ve reinvented my approach to online coaching to get you the best training results possible.

I was going to wait another month before announcing the big release. But I’ve received so much email in the last few weeks from people stuck in a training rut that I accelerated the process.

Revamp your training and nutrition with the  most personal, customized training program around.

Now, you’ll get:

  • your very own training app on your smartphone
  • customized coaching documents covering training, nutrition, and supplementation
  • a personalized video library 

How much do I believe in this? So much that I’m stepping back from in-person training to open up additional online training spots for people just like you.

And I’m celebrating the move by offering a free bonus month. Woah, I’m getting really excited here.

It all started with an email that really hit home. It came from a former client named Tyler. Tyler’s a 28-year-old landman in the oil industry here in Denver.

Tyler’s problem? His workouts suck, and he hates the thought of going to the gym. Things are getting so bad, he’s skipping two to three days at a time. And his diet is falling off.

Basically, he’s too stressed out from job and family responsibilities to train consistently. He needs someone else to design and make decisions for his training, rather than continue to bite off more than he can chew.

It’s a problem I’ve seen it dozens of times over the past few weeks. The solution is always the same: coaching.


Tyler’s issue is putting a sound plan together and sticking to it long enough to make huge strides. Does this sound like you?

Take my client Dave J., a commercial real estate manager from Connecticut. He is a busy guy with a family. That makes finding time to train difficult. He was looking to shred some body fat, be healthier for his family, and kick ass playing pick-up basketball.

Here’s Dave’s Success Story in Pictures: He’s Killin’ It!

Dave Progress Pictures
When we first talked, Dave had the “I’ve tried it all” feeling. And I get it. It’s tough to do “all the right things,” yet not make progress. This is when you should truly seek out coaching to take the next step.

On August 20th, 2015 Dave was 250 lbs, about 28% body fat and a lean body mass of 185 lbs. Less than eight weeks later, Dave checked in at 240 lbs, 20% body fat, and a lean body mass of 192 lbs.

That means, Dave lost 17 lbs of body fat while actually gaining seven pounds of muscle.

How did Dave lose 17 lbs of fat and gain seven lbs of muscle?

Dave’s a really smart dude who understands training and diet. Problem is, he was doing too much. He was program hopping without any accountability or consistency.

He tried to change too many things too quickly and never made progress.

Dave’s a perfect example that not everyone needs a coach, but everyone can benefit from having one. So can you.


Of course, Dave is just one example of my superstar clients that have made incredible transformations.

Here’s Jenna who lost 135 lbs in a year. Crazy!


Now, I want to help you make the incredible transformation I’ve helped others make.

Beyond taking on new clients, I’m also offering an incredible incentive: a huge discount…that ends up giving you ONE MONTH FREE when you sign up for five months of training. So, six months for the price of five.

There are a limited number of spots for the most motivated applicants. I must be honest. I don’t take everyone. Just the clients who apply quickly and genuinely want change.

Which is why you need to apply today if you want to get in the best shape of your life.


Why the application process? It’s simple. I give you my all and want to make sure my energy and commitment to you is reciprocated.

Why hire me?

Accountability. Hiring me keeps you accountable for your diet and training.  Investing in getting stronger, leaner, and more athletic body pushes you to give your best effort. Motivation improves. So do results.

Expertise: I’ve helped hundreds of clients, ranging from elite level athletes to busy businessmen and women with no time to train. I leverage my expert knowledge to customize your training and diet for rapid results.

Customized Training and Guidance: No programs are cookie cutter. I hand craft custom programs for you each month. My success is based on your success. I am professionally, personally, and emotionally invested in helping you build your dream body.

Cost Effective Training. Most in-person training sessions run $90-130 an hour for some crappy, weekend certified trainer. Online training is vastly more cost effective.  You get to work with me, a well respected, experienced, expert coach and fitness writer.

Constant Support: Through Weekly Skype calls, in app chat and messaging, I’m with you every step of the way on the custom program I create just for you.

If you’re ready to take your training to the next level, I’ll be be here for you  with total individualization and attention.  

Six months from right NOW, if you don’t join the Bach Performance online training, will you have your dream body?

Will you be spinning your wheels with yo-yo diets and programs?

Or will you experience the best results of your life?

The choice is yours.


Simply follow the link, fill out the application, and if we’re a match, you’ll have a brand new, customized program by next week.

That’s all for today. I need to go write some client programs before I hop on a weekly Skype call with Dave.

Let’s Get Crankin’.

One Comment

  1. The Key to Success Mindset February 16, 2016 at 4:23 pm - Reply

    […] a look at some of my success stories, like Dave who lost 17lbs of Fat, and gained in two months,  Or Jenna who lost 135 lbs. […]

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