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Do Not Close This Page… First, read about Dave’s Story


When we first talked, Dave had the “I’ve tried it all” feeling. Paleo. Intermittent fasting. Bodybuilding training splits. Powerlifting. Some hybrid combination of all of them from six random articles.
I get it. It’s tough to do the right thing. More often than not, we’re so ambitious to see results that we’ll do anything and everything to get there. Until it doesn’t work.

And I get it. It’s tough to do all the right things, yet not make progress. Dave realized he needed coaching. And he never looked back. [full_width class=”tes”]

On August 20th, 2015 Dave was 250 lbs, about 28% body fat and a lean body mass of 185 lbs.
Less than eight weeks later, Dave checked in at 240 lbs, 20% body fat, and a lean body mass of 192 lbs.

Dave had lost 17 lbs of body fat while actually gaining seven pounds of muscle and crushing pick-up basketball games after his weight training.

I can help you join Dave in building the best physique of your life.

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