Hormones and Body fat Distribution
By Eric Bach|2016-12-01T14:31:49-05:00February 13th, 2013|
Dude...is it true all this beer is giving me man boobs? I keeled over and nearly spit my beer all over the table. I was 21 years old, an undergrad in kinesiology and kickin' back a [...]
Precision Nutrition Certification Review
By Eric Bach|2021-11-24T07:46:20-05:00January 21st, 2013|
The Precision Nutrition Certification strikes gold for coaches looking for top-notch results with their clients. The PN system delivers what few other certifications and educational courses can: Up-to-date information and a delivery system to implement [...]
Specific Forms of Muscular Strength in Athletes- Explosive Strength
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:05:15-04:00July 22nd, 2012|
Different physical activities require different physiological capabilities. When looking from a sports performance aspect, the body will react positively to any new stimulus in the initial stages. However, for future advances in strength and performance, [...]
Big Biceps Biceps Blueprint
By Eric Bach|2018-05-09T09:31:51-04:00May 7th, 2012|
Admit — you want bigger, more jacked arms. Pipe cleaners be damned. You're not alone. Poll hundreds of dudes and you're unlikely to find anyone satisfied with their biceps development. Dudes do multiple workouts delegated [...]