What I Learned Attending My First Marathon
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:01:41-04:00June 1st, 2015|
Forgive me my barbell brethren, for I have sinned. I'm a self-proclaimed meathead. Yet I spent this past weekend attending my first marathon. I didn’t shake my head at the collection of nipple chafing and [...]
Quick Guide to Minimalist High Performance Lifting
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:01:41-04:00May 26th, 2015|
Overview: -Total body training improves workout efficiency by minimizing the fluff to get you strong and muscular in a hurry - You’ll hit major movement patterns multiple times per week in a variety of intensities [...]
5 Simple Cues for a Bigger Deadlift
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:01:41-04:00May 19th, 2015|
Today's guest post by Adam Pine, an awesome coach out in Boston whom I had the chance to meet and crush BBQ with in Kansas City at the Fitness Summit. Not only is Adam a [...]
5 Reasons you should attend the next Fitness Summit
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:01:42-04:00May 3rd, 2015|
I’m flying back from the Kansas City Fitness Summit and must say, this is the most fun and unique professional development weekends I’ve been a part of. Why? It was authentic, laid back, and full [...]
High Performance Exercises You Should be Doing: 1-1-2 Bench Press
By Eric Bach|2016-06-29T20:01:42-04:00April 28th, 2015|
You're extremely busy, I get that. So I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say: Training efficiency is key to building a strong, athletic body on your terms. There is no perfect routine. Especially [...]