Rest Pause Training For Rapid Muscle Growth

July 18, 2018

About the Author: Daniel Freedman

Training to failure is a popular way method to maximize muscle growth. The only problem?
Excessive cortisol release, often from extremely high training volumes is the number one training mistake non-drug using men make.

This begs the question: how can you, a busy, stressed out guy maximize growth-inducing benefits of training to failure without overdoing it?

Enter rest pause training: the best training method for busy, drug-free men.

Why rest pause training?

The biggest mistake most men make is never getting strong in the first place. Because you’ve been force-fed high-volume programs from bodybuilders as the ultimate way to transform your body, you’ve tried to isolate and blitz every muscle fiber with marathon workouts, often to no avail.

The big key most men miss is building a foundation of strength as the first order of business. Rest pause training combines the strength-building benefits of heavy weight lifting while triggering maximize muscle growth associated with training to failure. 
Rest Pause Training

Even if your goal isn’t to be strong, you need to build strength for two reasons.

#1: You’ll Build Muscle
Heavy strength work helps you maximize muscle fiber recruitment, meaning you’ll train a greater percentage of your muscles with each lift. You’ll be able to lift heavier weight for more reps as well. This means a greater overall training stimulus, which leads to greater muscle growth.

#2: You’ll Preserve Muscle While You Lose Fat
The biggest mistake most people make during fat loss is combining low-calorie diets with high-intensity intervals, yet neglecting heavy strength training.

While this works for the first few weeks, you’ll run full speed into a fat loss plateau. When you don’t lift heavy during a fat loss phase, you’ve given your body no reason to hold onto the lean muscle you do have.

When your body starts to burn lean muscle mass, your metabolism slows down and fat loss stops in its tracks. Even worse? Instead of being strong, lean, and defined, you’ll end up with the dreaded “skinny fat” look.

Which is why I’ve designed my new program The Minimalist Muscle Blitz: to help busy guys like you look better naked in the shortest possible amount of time.

One of the key tenets of the program is rest-pause training, an advanced method to help you cruise right through the “red lights” that most guys hit in their muscle building journey.

What Is Rest Pause Training?
Rest-pause training breaks one heavy set into several short sets. This training method allows you to select a weight that you can normally only lift somewhere between 4-6 times before failure, and get as many as 10 reps with that same weight.

Rest-pause training is one of the most advantageous ways for you to build strength and size as fast as possible.

Not to mention that you’ll have no problem breaking through strength barriers from now on. Have I convinced you yet?

Let’s take a closer look at why you need to implement rest-pause training into your next gym session and how to do it.

Building Strength
Building strength isn’t rocket science.

And as I cover in, Minimalist Muscle Blitz (grab your copy here), your main goal in the gym is simple: Get stronger.

When you set your sights on building strength, dense, lean muscle and your ideal physique and the confidence will follow.

And in order to get stronger, you need to push yourself to lift heavier weights day in and day out. Remember: to make progress you must stress the system above what you’ re currently doing. As a result, the body creates stronger muscles, stores more fuel, and grows.

One of the best methods for getting strong, quick? Rest-pause training.
It is one of the safest and most practical ways to take this strength-building mentality into the gym with you. It essentially allows you to add volume to your workouts without costing you any time.

Do you find yourself capping out at 5 reps of 270 lbs? on your bench press? Well, with rest-pause training, the next time you step into the gym, those familiar 5 reps will be 10 reps, no question.

Building Size
Your muscles respond to the amount of tension they’re placed under. If they’re not placed under increasing amounts of tension each workout, they’ll stop responding and won’t grow.

This fact is the basis for the progressive overload protocol that I’ve made prominent in the Minimalist Muscle Blitz. Grab a copy for yourself today to build the most muscle in the shortest amount of time.

Rest-pause training is one of the most effective ways to ensure that you’re constantly challenging your muscles with more tension in order to stimulate rapid muscle growth.

Continuing with my bench press example above, let’s just say that you seem to cap out at 5 reps of 270 lbs. on the bench press. You’ve been stuck at this weight every day that you’ve hit the bench press for the last few months. So naturally, your muscle growth is going to stall, because, well, you aren’t lifting more weight than you were three weeks ago.

This where rest-pause training will save the day. Like I said, your 5 reps of 270 lbs. will be 10 reps the next time you put your headphones on and get under the barbell?

How exactly? in one word…

Keep reading.

I wrote the Minimalist Muscle Blitz to help busy guys look better naked…

Which is why the efficiency aspect of rest-pause training is so appealing. It’s a surefire way to build strength and size in a short amount of time.

Rest-pause training works by adding broken repetitions to the end of a 4-6-rep set.

So, getting back to our bench press example, after you hang up your fifth rep of 270 lbs., you’ll rest for 15-30 seconds.

Then you’ll lift off the weight, perform another repetition, and hang it up.

Rest for 15-30 more seconds, lift off the weight, perform another repetition, and hang it up. And so on until you’ve hit 10 reps.

With this method, you’ll crush any strength barrier you have in the shortest amount of time possible while adding insane amounts of strength and triggering top-notch muscle growth that you have yet to tap into.

Efficiency is key.

For a more efficient way to train, grab your copy of Minimalist Muscle Blitz here!

Now, let’s get to the “how-to” of rest-pause training.

The Crucial Rest Pause Training How-To
Rest-pause training will work with any compound exercise. But for the sake of consistency, I’m going to stick with our bench press example above.

Your goal here is to have one all out working set, which will be your fourth set.

So if 270 lbs. is going to be the fourth set (your all-out working set) your 3 warm-up sets of bench will look like this:

Warm-Up Set

  • 5 x 205 pounds
  • 5 x 220 pounds
  • 5 x 250 pounds

Then you’ll move to your working rest-pause set. Make sure you have a spotter with you for safety.

Your Rest Pause Training Sets

Do 5 reps. Then, rest for 15-30 seconds. After 15-30 seconds you’ll perform one single rep every 15-30 seconds. Perform single reps resting for 15-30 seconds between each set or until you reach technical failure (when you can no longer use perfect form to complete the exercise).

  • 5 x 270 pounds (working set)
  • 1 x 270 (rest for 15-30 seconds)
  • 1 x 270 (rest for 15-30 seconds)
  • 1 x 270 (rest for 15-30 seconds)
  • 1 x 270 (rest for 15-30 seconds)
  • 1 x 270 (rest for 15-30 seconds)

The Rest Pause Training Result
So I want you to notice the major benefit of rest pause training here. Instead of capping out at 5-reps of 270 on your bench press and calling it a day, you’ve now performed 10 reps of 270 lbs.

You’ve essentially increased your training volume by 1,350 lbs. compared to if you hadn’t performed the rest-pause set.

As a result, your muscles will have no choice but to adapt, get stronger and grow.

And of course, you’ll look better naked.

For more rest pause training and other training techniques to build muscle faster, grab your copy of the Minimalist Muscle Blitz today!


  1. […] Source link […]

  2. George Roberts August 1, 2018 at 8:38 am - Reply

    Eric, great article. Thank you.

  3. Tony December 7, 2018 at 9:55 am - Reply

    Seems like these programs are for advanced lifters. Anyone that can bench 220-270 probably doesn’t need help building muscle. And if I choose a weight that I can do 4-6 reps- and I do 3sets of lighter weight before- even if all 3 were 50% of my max 4-6 rep weight, there is no way I would be able to do the 4th set maxed at 4-6 reps. I would be worn out.

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