We’re very close to finishing the Minimalist Muscle Blitz (MMB) training manual. We’ve been working on this for nearly a year and we’re getting close to wrapping it up. It will be released in mid-July.
This workout is specifically for busy men who are looking to build more muscle in less time.
It includes:
- The Minimalist Muscle Blitz Training Program
- The Minimalist Muscle Hardgainer Nutrition Blueprint
- Minimalist Muscle Meal Plans
- Access to the Minimalist Muscle Community
- The MMB High-Performance Travel Guide
- The MMB Progress Tracking and Progressive Guide
- The MMB Exercise Modification Guide
MMB is going to show you the step-by-step process of building a Hollywood worthy physique, without the Hollywood prices.
You’ll have all the tools to build a strong, lean, and muscular physique, all while melting away bulging belly fat.
Basically, MMB is the most proven muscle building program that I’ve used to make gains without having to opt for sketchy supplements, steroids, or living in the gym.
I’ll show you everything from start to finish, including your pain-reducing warm-ups, muscle building workouts, and biceps-building finishers. You’ll get in great shape now AND learn how to continue making progress.
BUT. I need your help. Before we finalize everything and open up the doors, I want to make sure I’ve covered EVERYTHING you want to know about building muscle.
Please take a few minutes and this short, three-question survey…
Head here to answer: MMB Survey