Low Reps Vs High Reps For Fat Loss (90% Do This Wrong) | Look Great Naked Podcast #3

May 9, 2023

About the Author: Eric Bach

What’s better for fat loss: low reps or high reps?

The primary goal of resistance training when trying to lose fat is to retain lean muscle. And if you turn every workout into high rep training or circuit training, you end up with a bastardized program that has you losing muscle as well as fat. The problem is, this slows down your metabolic rate and leads to plateaus in fat loss–and a skinny fat physique.

The better option? Keep your training similar to what it is when trying to build lean muscle.

The good news is, this podcast episode gives you the training tools and strategies to maintain and build muscle while you lose fat. Hit play and let’s make it happen:


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The Look Great Naked Protocol: Our flagship coaching program to help you look great naked without living in the gym.

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The Minimalist Muscle Blitz: Are you a man who’s short on time and looking to maximize lean muscle growth? This No B.S. The program is the best workout plan to add sheer size to your arms, chest, shoulders, and legs without living in the gym.

For Even More Great Content, Check Out:

The 8 Worst Muscle-Building Mistakes for Natural Lifters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0IidVPJPLQ&t=6s

How To Drink Alcohol & Stay Lean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CxAYGBTTFU

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Podcast Description:

In today’s episode of the Look Great Naked Podcast, I share The Truth About High Reps vs Low Reps For Fat Loss [90% of people do this wrong]

Fat loss workouts are a lie. If you switch all your training when you try to get lean, you’ll lose muscle, too. This leads to a flat, skinny fat body and a slower metabolic rate, which eventually stops fat loss dead in its tracks. This episode breaks down how you should train for fat loss so you can look great naked without living in the gym.

If You want to Look Great Naked Without Living In The Gym, Grab a Copy of the One Hour Body: https://www.minimalistmuscleblitz.com/one-hour-body

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