Contribute Guest Blog
Bach Performance welcomes guest blog posts at least 1,200 words in length that provide actionable information of interest to our readers.
Please begin by spending some time reading past blog posts to get a sense of our editorial focus. We would probably not publish posts on warm-ups for Karate or how to hydrate for a marathon. But strength training for Karate or running might be of interest.
Unfortunately, we can’t offer payment at this time. Sorry! But we do offer professional editing and a chance to reach a wide audience. We also offer links to your website or social media sites (but not affiliate links.)
What We’re Looking For
Please avoid rants. It’s not our style. Don’t bad mouth others. We are looking for substance and at least one takeway readers can use immediately.
But please avoid academic excess; we are not a text book. Do not mistake dullness for virtue.
Be engaging. Let your personality shine through. We are suckers for first person accounts and “if only I knew then, what I know now” stories.
Above all, be yourself and have fun. But back up what you say, while providing a roadmap for others.
We’re not especially concerned with how old you are, where you went to school, what initials you have after your name, or how long you’ve been in the fitness industry. We’re much more interested in how what you have to say can benefit others.
How To Submit
Please feel free to submit an initial query to
Complete articles should be submitted as a word document attachment. Attach images separately, stating that you own the rights to the images. List URLs for videos. Do not use copyrighted music in videos. Do not embed images or video in the word document. Instead, include notes on where you want the image placed with square brackets in the word document text. For example [PICTURE 1 GOES HERE] or [INSERT BACK SQUAT VIDEO FROM http:/ HERE] Do not feel obliged to submit images. We can find them ourselves, if required.
Final Advice
Please do the best job you can on revising, editing, polishing and formatting your text. Be diligent. Take the time and trouble to submit only your very best and final work. It’s aways a good idea to read aloud what you think is your final version, ask friends for further advice, and then make further revisions before submitting.
Please go the extra mile.
We’re happy to work with you on further editing; some of our best posts go through more edits than we would care to admit! We are looking for substance, not style. We are happy to work with first-time authors who have something valuable to say.
But our editor is old and cranky and actually has a day job that actually pays properly (unlike us!) The easier you make his job, the more likely it is we will publish your post. Just sayin’…

Please submit all queries and articles directly to our editor, using the address
Many thanks for your interest. I am more grateful than I can say.
Best wishes,
Eric Bach