5 Reasons you should attend the next Fitness Summit

May 3, 2015

About the Author: Eric Bach

I’m flying back from the Kansas City Fitness Summit and must say, this is the most fun and unique professional development weekends I’ve been a part of.


It was authentic, laid back, and full of high-quality presentations and interactions.

More specifically, it was the equivalent of a weekend long cocktail party (both figuratively and literally) with over a hundred like-minded Strength Coaches and fitness enthusiasts.
I’ll keep this short and sweet, but the bottom line is this:

Whether you’re a coach, trainer, or fitness enthusiasts make sure you get to the 2016 Fitness Summit.

  1. Impromptu Movement Assessments and Training Progressions

Typically, most professional events allow brief interactions, but they’re generally guarded.

Coaches want to keep their trade secrets close to the vest to maintain a competitive edge over the competition, often to the detriment to the industry as a whole.

This was not like that at all.

Throughout the weekend I gave, and saw other coaches working through assessments and progressions like a completely open book. Seeing coaches like Dean Somerset, Mike T Nelson, and Tony Gentilcore make themselves available and graciously gave thorough assessments and feedback to everyone involved was inspiring speaks to their passion and character. I’ve never seen presenters this willing to work hands-on and pay it forward—it was very cool.

  1. Build Personal Relationships

Most seminars and fitness events have an exclusive vibe, separating presenters from attendees with speaker-only events, tables, and dinners.

This was not that event.
The Fitness Summit was extremely laid back, allowing “unguarded” interactions throughout the entire weekend between young coaches, industry heavy hitters, and everything in-between. I spent time talking shop with Alan Aragon, Dave Dellenave, other young coaches like Jordan Syatt and Adam Pine, my mentors like Jon Goodman, and coaches just breaking into the industry.

fitness summit

Far and away, this was the best networking environment I’ve attended.

Kansas City Barbeque (and Meat Sweats)

Oh my.

Not much needs to be said, but the copious amounts of smoky dead animal flesh are a party in your mouth.


Pictures say it all, the food is out of this world finger-lickin’ good and a sure fire way to meet your protein macros, a deceptive challenge when you’re traveling. 

  1. Bryan Krahn’s Biceps.

I have toothpicks by comparison.


In all seriousness, Bryan edited some of my first “big” publications and it was great to meet him over the weekend. If you haven’t, follow him on Twitter and check out his site—his writing is absolutely phenomenal.

  1. Diversity of High-Quality Presentations

I’m a naturally high-strung dude, meaning I have serious difficulties sitting down for long and focusing on one topic.

Combine four hours of sleep with a gallon of coffee and my concentration rivaled a sugar-loaded 3 year-old at the zoo making his first trip to the zoo.

Luckily, the fitness summit covered a range of topics from (Eric Mundinger’s SIJ presentation), Technology in Training with Mike T Nelson, Nick Tuminiello, email marketing with Sol Orwell, and nutrition facts and fallacies with Alan Aragon.

My mentor Loren Landow speaks to the point that to become a better specialist, you must become a better generalist.

In other words, becoming a better coach requires multi-faceted knowledge, even within a specialized niche—the diverse array of topics at the Fitness Summit nails that on the head and covered a number of topics I otherwise neglect from my studies.

  1. Meeting members of the Bach Performance Community

The coolest part of the weekend was getting to know a few of you—members of the Bach Performance community who read blog and hang out on Twitter and Facebook.
The Internet is great, but nothing will ever replace in-person relationships and the bonds you build with authentic interaction.

Without a doubt, the Fitness Summit is a must-attend event and will be priority on my annual calendar, and I hope it is for you as well. I’ll see you there next year!


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  1. […] thought I would steal Greg Nuchols Chipotle Burrito at the Fitness Summit. Really, probably not smart, that dude is […]

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