15 Money-Making Questions From An Online Trainer Mentor

February 3, 2022

About the Author: Eric Bach

One of the reasons I became a business mentor to online trainers was to prevent others from making the same mistakes I did when I was starting out 10 years ago.

Embarrassing But True Online Trainer Mentor Confession 😅:

In my first year as an online trainer I got only got ONE…count ‘em, ONE client…

…even though I THOUGHT I was doing everything right, including having a blog and posting every day on social media.

My mistake?

I spent WAY too much time comparing myself to others…
…and flitting from one random idea to another…

…without first doing the required research on my ideal client.

Which leads us to how you can avoid my rookie mistakes.

But first, this note: If you prefer, you can view a video version of this article here: 

When you are first starting out:

– Remember that everyone starts from the bottom. So…as in building your body…trust the process in building your business. 

– Be a step ahead of your clients. Aim to improve. This is good enough in the beginning.

– Look the part and show your success.

– Above all, remember that you only build expert status through building experience. So don’t wait for the perfect time to start. It will actually slow down your growth and your ability to help people.

It all begins with our unique Audience Attraction System. Attracting your ideal client requires you to know them as well (or better!) than they know themselves. 

My key to success as an online trainer mentor has been getting clients to ask and answer these 15 money-making questions:

1. What is the biggest result you can help someone achieve?

2. Who is your favorite client, the one of whom you’d say: “I wish I had 20 more like him or her?” 

3. What is the biggest problem this ideal client has?

4. What frustrates your ideal client most?

5. What are the four or five steps for them to achieve success and get results?

6. What keeps your perfect client up at night?

7. What humiliates your perfect client?

8. What is the cost of your perfect client staying where they are? How bad can things become if they don’t fix it?

9.  What is the most urgent, pressing crisis that needs to be fixed RIGHT AWAY?

10. What are the top three things that frustrate your ideal client on a daily basis?

11. What does your ideal client WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE?

12. Explain what you would do if you were in their situation.

13. What is THE BIGGEST MISTAKE your ideal client is making right now?

14. What does your perfect client complain about when they are with family and friends? 

15. Who are your four or five most important competitors? 

Reach your ideal clients by using the answers to these questions to enter the conversation in their minds. Tell compelling stories to do so. 

Your content must generate trust and leads, not just likes. Start by finding out where YOUR audience hangs out. Don’t assume it’s Instagram or TikTok because there’sa lot of buzz about both platforms right now. Do your research. 

Once you’ve identified a clear cut problem for one person, you need to create a solution for it…and name it. 

An training example would be:

Minimalist Muscle-Building: Train 4 Times A Week For 49.5 Minutes

A motivational style example would be:

The Effortless Discipline System (from Craig Ballantyne)

Next, create a daily posting schedule to share your message. Theme your days. It might look something like this…

Motivation Monday: Short, punchy, and actionable because people are busy on mondays.

Tactical Tuesday: More in-depth material that is expert-driven.

Wednesday: Inspiration success stories that highlight your method.

Throwback Thursday: A lesson from your past that makes you relatable to your clients.

Friday: Lifestyle-driven content. Help people see results are possible in the way they want to achieve them.

Saturday: Status/Lifestyle. Show your audience that you look and act the way they want, in congruence with the lifestyle they want. 

Sunday: Higher purpose. Back on track after weekend shenanigans.

Online Trainer Mentor

Connect with your clients by including some content about your interests outside of fitness. I often post about family, steak, bourbon and football…all things many of my clients are interested in. 

Then I take it one step further by comparing my coaching to a prime cut of steak, or explaining how getting ripped made me a better father. 

And you can always relate your interests back to fitness. For example, I might say:

“Tom Brady is to winning what deadlifts are to getting jacked.” 

Compare the transformational journey your fitness clients are on to something they’re familiar with, like a businessman knowing his numbers because “what gets measured gets managed.”

When you speak of shared interests between you and your audience, you build personal connections…similar to the ones you have with clients in the gym.

Speaking about macros and how to add 20 pounds to your bench does NOT separate you from other coaches.

But the lens of your interests and experiences builds a personal connection that will make you their go-to coach. 

That’s why we ask some SEEMINGLY oddball questions in our kickoff calls with business coaching clients like:

What would your death row meal be?

Which pro athlete do you hate the most?

Country music: yes or no?

We work with personal trainers, online coaches, strength coaches, physical therapists, gym owners, nutrition coaches, and life coaches. 

We’re the only business coaching program that provides 24/7 custom coaching and over 60 coaching calls with lifetime access to all materials to help you build, grow, and scale your fitness business.

You owe it to yourself to take the next step by discussing all this with a member of my team. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. The call is free and there is no obligation. 

Book Your Call Here

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