without living in the gym?

The Look Great Naked Protocol Is Competitive: Reserve Your Spot Today..
The Look Great Naked Protocol is the #1 transformation program for helping women who want to look great naked without living in the gym over the next 90 days.
Have you come across phrases like “look good naked” over the years?
Since you picked up your first fitness magazine, you’ve been force-bed “ideal body image” propaganda fully equipped with impractical diets and shoddy training advice.
You’re probably confused like most women are: How am I supposed to be strong, healthy, and loving my body when “what I’m supposed to do” seems to change with every social media post?
If so, you’re not alone.
Guess what? You’re not alone in this. The desire to look great naked–and in clothes, of course– has been around for centuries, and now it’s your turn to achieve it.
But here’s the thing: most training programs out there are simply a waste of time.
They’re not designed specifically for busy women like you, juggling responsibilities at home and at work with 25 hours worth of LIFE packed into a 24 hour clock.
These programs are too lengthy, inflexible and fail to deliver the results you deserve despite your dedication to the gym. And when they do occasionally work, the results are short lived as the methods are sustainable and even dangerous.
Sound familiar?
Picture this: you’re taking a break between sets at the gym and find yourself lost in an Instagram scroll. You stumble upon a few exercise videos and, before you know it, your feed is filled with a women who has an incredibly body.
Let’s name her Becky.

You might catch yourself thinking, “I want that.”
But let’s get real here…
You don’t want that women’s life– especially the real life Becky’s living.
Becky’s pictures look great, but it takes 30 takes to get one “social media worthy” and even that one, she’s nitpicking.
Becky survives on a diet of bland chicken, and broccoli. She’s terrified of carbs–even the healthy ones.
Becky has toned legs and a flat stomach, but do you know why?
Becky lives in the gym.
Becky’s always hungry.
Becky’s career and self-image is completely tied to her physical appearance.
For 99% of women, “Becky’s life” is not realistic, and the workout and eating methods she uses aren’t practical.
The reality for most women is…
You want your clothes to fit better than ever–or at least better than they do now.
You want to feel strong and confident in your body–so you can enjoy a night out, time with your partner, and living day to day life without wondering if others are judging you for your body.
You want the energy you used to have–so you can push hard in your career and/or have energy left over to be the best parent and partner you can.
But lately, you’re feeling like a shell of yourself.
You’ve tried dozens of diets, plenty of interval training, and even hit the gym.
Nothing seems to work–at least not for longer than 3-4 weeks before your back in the same pattern.
You don’t need another crash diet or unsustainable program–you need a healthy lifestyle that flows with your life, and against.
Hey, I’m Eric Bach.
I’m here to help you build a strong, lean, and defined body that enhances your life instead of taking it over.

I’m Eric Bach – a father, husband, and coach since 2010.
Men & women seek my guidance when their own attempts to get in great shape fall short.
My work has been featured over 300 times in major publications from to CNN, Yahoo, and the Huffington Post.
In a nutshell, I specialize in you look phenomenal without sacrificing your precious free time living in the gym or with crash diets.

But here’s the bottom line: I’ve been fortunate to learn from the world’s best coaches, and I’m considered one of them by many.
I simplify fitness for busy women who want to maximise their gym effectiveness, allowing them to become the best versions of themselves in all aspects of life.
If that resonates with you, then let’s embark on this incredible journey together.
Introducing the “Look Great Naked” Transformation Program – the ultimate solution designed exclusively for women like you who are eager to regain their youthful figure, tone their legs, arms, and stomach, and feel amazing in their favorite outfits and bathing suits.
If you’re like the thousands of women I’ve helped you probably feel like…
☀️ Your genetics make it impossible to have curves AND a toned body.
☀️ You’re past your prime and “nothing seems to work the way it used to”
☀️ You don’t have enough hours in the day.
☀️ Joint pain, stiffness, and nagging aches are here to stay.
☀️ Your health and physique are setting a poor example for your family–and it eats at you.
☀️ You feel guilty knowing you need to change but overwhelmed with how to move forward.
☀️ Your struggles in the gym and wreaking havoc on your confidence and impacting your relationships.
☀️ Mental fog and dwindling energy are preventing you from reaching your professional potential and being the best you can at home and work.
If any of those points hit home, I understand.
It’s not your fault. But it is your responsibility to improve. And I’ve got just the right plan to help you retake control.
We have great news. but first…
Let’s talk about the real reason you’re here.
You want to look great naked during the brief moment you step out of the shower and see your reflection in the mirror.
You want to feel confident and OWN the room like the person you are meant to be, whether it’s for a date, a meeting, or at home after a days work.
You want to get strong, toned, and confident in your ability to l handle anything life throws at you.
You want to OPTIMIZE your health and cognitive function, so you can dominate your professional life and love your personal life.
But if you’re like most people…
You’re sick of the bland-as-white rice workouts programs that waste your time and leave you injured, overwhelmed, and don’t fit your busy schedule.

You’ve survived the chaos of the last 3+ years, but now you’re spinning your wheels in the gym wondering…
“Am I Ever Going To Build The Body I’ve Always Wanted?”
You’re sick of waking up each morning, seeing your scale, and NOT wanting to see the number staring back at you.
You don’t want to see your reflection in the mirror and feel disappointed…despite your efforts in the gym and kitchen.
You’ve tried peace-mealing workouts from the web, AI-generated workouts on an overpriced mirror, and trying every supplement under the sun trying but still, feel like your stomach, bat wings, and thighs keep growing.
Most of all, you’re sick of wasting your time not having the body you deserve.
You know you’ll never reach your full potential in your career, with your relationships, and in your life, if you’re not happy with your body and health as the foundation.
And right now, you’re ready to do something about it.
I get it.
Growing up, I was a scrawny little guy. I was physically weak and mentally, felt insignificant in every other area of my life.
The lack of confidence I had in my body sept into my psyche and reverberated into all areas of my life from my personal life (or lack thereof) to how I presented myself professionally.
You might be thinking–you’re a guy who’s naturally skinny. I can’t relate.
The reality is, not FEELING comfortable in your body we can all connect on. And it’s a terrible feeling–and one I’m here to help you eliminate.
Over the years I developed our Look Great Naked Protocol to get strong, defined, and healthy…
But today, I see women who struggle with the same battles, but worse: they’re more overwhelmed, have less free time and are at their wits end from trying to build their dream body but not succeeding.
That’s why I’m here to help.
Fitness is a force multiplier. When you transform your body you begin to flourish in every other area of your life.
But transformations don’t happen alone. I didn’t succeed alone, and you won’t either.
This isn’t to say you can’t succeed; rather, even the best athletes, models, and bodybuilders have coaches to help them get and stay in incredible shape.
The reason? Accountability. Having someone in your corner is the key to unlocking your best body and by extension, your best life.

Start Now!
We’ve helped thousands of stressed-out people build their dream bodies.
The key to success isn’t extreme diets. Nor is it insane energy-draining workouts, or totting Tupperware around the office.
And it’s definitely not by being a social recluse and never eating the foods you enjoy or kickin’ back a glass of wine while watching Pretty Little Liars.
So, what’s the real key?
The key is working hand-in-hand with you to improve every aspect of your health around your lifestyle so you can make permanent changes while enjoying your social life.
I’ll tell you more about that shortly, but first, let me introduce the squad.
Let’s meet your coaches…

Hi, I’m Eric Bach, a 30 something husband, father, personal trainer, author, and entrepreneur.
I’ve helped world-class athletes and average joes transform their life by doing one thing better than anyone else in the world:
Simplifying fitness so you can get strong, lean, and muscular without obsessing over fitness or resorting to extreme measures.
Fitness is a force multiplier in your life. The lessons and skills you develop in the gym bleed over into helping to have better relationships, more success in your career, and ultimately, a more fulfilling life.
The catch?
Fitness must improve your life, not consume it.

Jorden Pagel is a former fat kid turned fitness professional. Jorden’s mission is to help you shred fat, build muscle, and look great naked.
For most of his life, he was grossly overweight and began a career in finance.
He decided enough was enough and learned everything he could regarding fitness, fat loss, and building muscle.
Five years later, Jorden lost over 80 pounds and has helped hundreds of busy men and women lose stubborn body fat and build the body of their dreams.
Having worked with everyone from elite athletes to CEO’s, lawyers, and everyday people,
there is one thing everyone wants:
To become a version of themselves that they are
proud to share with the world.
Oh, and to look fucking awesome.

Fitness is the ultimate force multiplier, leading you to be more confident, more energetic, healthier, and yes, better looking.
It’ll help you lead by example and become reach your full potential.
The key to experiencing all of this? It’s not a secret morsel of information.
The truth is, all the information you need to look great is already available at the touch of a button. The key is having a proven system and the support structure to permanently transform your body.
The key is something exponentially more valuable….
Handcrafted Coaching To Help You Lose Stubborn Fat On Your Stomach, Arms, & Thighs While Building Lean Muscle, A Healthy Metabolism, Permanently Transform Your Body
It’s time become the best version of yourself. But to do so, you need to become a leader and take control
of your health, your body, and your life.
It’s a simple recipe with 3 ingredients…

Around age 30, your natural hormone levels can naturally decrease, making it harder to build muscle, lose fat, have a healthy libido, energy levels, and regulate mood. Unfortunately for most of us, right around 30 years old is when life REALLY starts to get crazy.
The result is more fat, less muscle, less energy, levels decrease, resulting in less energy, and vitality…unless you have a specific training method to fight back.
Our Power Primer Protocol is designed specifically for women who want to build a strong, healthy, and toned body in the most efficient way possible.
Using the Methods I’ve developed since 2010, the Power Primer Protocol will revolutionize your training and help you build the body you’ve always wanted.
Together, we will…

The Look Great Naked Nutrition Protocol has three distinct phases:
- The Insulin Reboot Protocol:
This protocol is designed to help you eliminate bloating and inflammation, have more energy, crush cravings, and help you drop 10-5 pounds in the first month of the coaching program. You’ll have improved insulin sensitivity, nutritional discipline, and have the table set to maximize fat loss. - The Sustainable Sculpting System
Most lifters go about dieting all wrong. They diet too hard and lose a ton of lean muscle, crash their hormone levels, and never find a sustainable way have their dream body. Our science-based system allows us to walk the line of maximal fat loss without compromising your physical or cognitive performance. - Hardbody Protocol
The Hardbody Protocol unlocks the power of improved insulin sensitivity and a lean, defined physique to strategically help you build lean muscle, adding curves in the right places with definition where you want it most.


When work gets busy, and you skip a day at the gym, who holds you accountable now?
We both know the slippery slope.
One skipped workout becomes three and soon, it’s been a month since you worked out. To truly transform your body you need to develop become consistent. This doesn’t mean you have to live in the gym; rather, you need a simple plan to adapt your workouts and diet around your life.
Consistency is exponentially more important than trying to be perfect.
Our SYNERGY SYSTEM is designed to hold you to your highest standards and become the best version of yourself while navigating your life.
Each week, you get access to our coveted 360 Wellness Weekly, data-driven coaching, and comprehensive coaching system to unlock permanent lifestyle change and build your best body yet.
We’ll keep you on track with messages, texts, and phone calls to help you lose stubborn fat & build your dream body-and teach you how to sustain it.
You will leave equipped with the tools to become self-sufficient with your health.

“Im more confident and my weight decreased again. I didnt gain weight during holidays. I ate without restriction without stress. First time ever! Thanks Eric!”
As your coaches, we’ll help you avoid the crippling anxiety around fitness and permanently transform your body.
We’re not going to dance around the truth: this won’t be easy. Then again, nothing worth life ever is.
And if you’re looking for a 30-day band-aid approach to fitness, you should leave this page and never come back.
But if you’re dead serious about rapidly and permanently transforming your body once and for all, read on.
Please read this 10 Step Checklist
before applying
The Bach Performance Community
looks forward to helping you make
a life changing transformation